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Author Topic: Moderation matters  (Read 19363 times)

05 Feb 2017, 11:16
Read 19363 times

Offline pwhodges

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Moderation matters
« on: 05 Feb 2017, 11:16 »
If I feel the need to explain some aspect of my moderation, this is where I shall do it.  The thread is open, so you are at liberty to disagree with my point of view, or to raise issues which you feel need discussing.

I have made some comments on my likely moderation style in the post at the top of the actual Serious Discussion forum area.

Note that it not my intent to impose any political viewpoint on contributors through moderation.  If the forum leans one way more than the other, that is the result of what the contributors write.  I welcome challenges to my viewpoint, and others should also; but they should if possible be presented soberly and with evidence which can be discussed.  Moderation will be a response to behaviour, not views - so there's an opportunity to show that views do not necessarily influence behaviour.
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2017, 15:56 by pwhodges »