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Author Topic: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera  (Read 356588 times)

27 Jun 2017, 20:01
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Offline Bagheera

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This story was copied here from the EvaGeeks forum on 27 June 2017 in order to provide a backup archive and a place where further chapters can be added and discussed.  Note, the dates in the links are the in-story dates of each chapter. 

The original of this page was posted on 25 May 2014.  You can go there to read the original discussion of the work as it grew.

Recently, I (pwhodges) went to town and made a PDF of "Ghosts"; I also fixed a few typos and the like on the way, and it includes the illustrations made by Shadowjack of in his review of the first section.  Bagheera has approved it.  It's much easier than reading in the forum format, and even has a clickable index:

Ghosts of Evangelion (PDF)

And here is the whole work in chronological order for those who prefer; this is not the canonical version, though:

Ghosts of Evangelion (PDF in chronological order)

Okay. I'm posting it now so I don't try to weasel out of it later. Ghosts of Evangelion is a go. If you know what that means you're the target audience. If you don't, stay tuned. This is where I show you how to climb the mountain.

Get hype, peeps. Bagheera's getting off his sorry ass and writing.

Edit: I am revising as I go. Once a chapter is entered into the Table of Contents here, it can be considered to be complete. There are many more chapters awaiting revision, and many more still yet to be written. This is gonna take awhile . . .

Table of Contents

May 23, 2020
September 10, 2018 & October 10, 2018
January 28, 2016
February 3, 2016
September 9, 2018
October 7, 2018
March 12, 2016
September 16, 2018
March 14, 2016
June 1, 2020
October 13, 2019
September 14, 2018
August 26, 2016
September 12, 2018
April 6, 2021
April 9, 2021
December 7, 2018
August 12, 2016
August 11, 2016
January 14, 2016
March 6, 2021
July 23, 2021
August 14, 2021
August 15, 2021
August 21, 2021
August 22, 2021 - pt 1
April 20, 2022
March 18, 2022
April 23, 2022 - pt 1
April 23, 2022 - pt 2
June 22, 2024
June 24, 2024
March 14, 2021
August 22, 2021 - pt 2
June 26, 2024
April 3, 2021
July 3, 2024
June 29, 2024
September 13, 2030
August 23, 2021
September 20, 2030
December 4, 2018
August 11, 2024
August 13, 2024
March 23, 2027
June 4, 2035
November 23, 2018
September 19, 2018

June 3, 2026
February 20, 2047

December 16 & 19, 2080
December 20, 2080

A Mother's Love
(A side story written before the main story was finished. The new character introduced in this side story appears near the end of the main story.)

June 24, 2032
March 27, 2027
November 21, 2031 - pt 1
June 25, 2032 - pt 1
March 30, 2027
November 21, 2031 - pt 2
November 21, 2031 - pt 3
June 25, 2032 - pt 2
July 17, 2032
July 25, 2032
July 21, 2032
April 7, 2040
August 12, 2046
August 13, 2046
July 7, 8 & 9, 2046

« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2022, 00:02 by pwhodges »

27 Jun 2017, 20:01
Reply #1

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:01 »
Okay, here we go. Spoilered for space reasons. Just to be clear, this is fanfiction, and it's terrible, and it's short, 'cause that's how I roll. You will not see a lot of action here, because I don't give a shit about that and the show's already addressed it. This is what happens after. Don't read it if that's not what you're looking for in an Eva story.

May 23, 2020

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. . . no, a lemon is not coming next. Here's what you can look forward to now that I'm committed and am actually writing:

Shinji and Asuka, one week post-3I
Asuka's return from Kyoto 2 1/2 years after 3I
Asuka and Misato rebuilding trust, days after the previous scene
Misato's plans for Asuka's future, spinning out of the previous scene
The aftermath of the Saturday referred to in the current chapter
The aftermath of their second try, or why persistence is a virtue
Shinji's first days as an administrator of Herz, the organization built to rebuild the Earth and come up with useful applications of metaphysical biology and evangelion tech in general.

These will not be written in any sort of order or on any sort of schedule. They'll come when they come. If you like 'em, great. If you don't, thanks for reading anyway. Let me know either way.
« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2017, 20:17 by Ghosts »

27 Jun 2017, 20:05
Reply #2

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:05 »
In case I wasn't clear, comments are most welcome. I just realized my previous post might have come off as discouraging that and I wanted to clarify that that wasn't my intent.

Anyway, new chapter. Well, more like a scene with an epilogue attached, but whatever:

September 10, 2018 & October 10 2018

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« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2017, 20:21 by Ghosts »

27 Jun 2017, 20:11
Reply #3

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:11 »
This one's shorter, but sometimes that's just how it goes. I also added dates to the previous chapters so there's less guesswork continuity-wise.

January 28, 2016

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« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2017, 20:20 by Ghosts »

27 Jun 2017, 20:13
Reply #4

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #4 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:13 »
Yay, Asuka's being helpful, oh god please no

February 3, 2016

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For my next trick, Asuka's triumphant return from Kyoto! Wait, that's not how it goes . . .

27 Jun 2017, 20:15
Reply #5

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #5 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:15 »
Oooh, plot. Also added a date to the epilogue in the second update posted above. A future chapter will add some context to that, and the epilogue is a coda to both that chapter and the one where it made its actual appearance. That will make sense later.

September 9, 2018

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Next: Shinji and Touji, Asuka and Hikari, and playing the cello. Not sure which it will be; one, two, or all, who knows? Also: Asuka's career plans, and the aftermath of that night in the very first segment. But those are a ways off.

27 Jun 2017, 20:24
Reply #6

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #6 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:24 »
Edit: Okay, less terrible now. Comments on writing style and such still appreciated, questions about content welcome.

October 7, 2018

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Wait, 21 pages so far. This might wind up actually being a novella once all is said and done. Also, Touji and Hikari are very sad, but I think the cello's next.

27 Jun 2017, 20:26
Reply #7

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:26 »
I said "playing the cello", didn't I? Whoops.

March 12, 2016

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27 Jun 2017, 20:27
Reply #8

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:27 »
As promised, here's the Asuka/Touji scene. I'm mostly happy with it, so please let me know what you think!

September 16, 2018

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27 Jun 2017, 20:28
Reply #9

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #9 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:28 »
Cello, pt. 2. I'm mostly satisfied with this, though I think the ending is far too upbeat given the time period. But whatever -- they have to have some ups to balance out the downs, or they'll just give up and slit their throats within a week. So fuck it, I'm running with it. Enjoy.

March 14, 2016

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Next: Last Saturday Night. Oh ho. Oh ho ho.

27 Jun 2017, 20:30
Reply #10

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #10 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:30 »
This fic has gotten stupid large. Also, this is the longest scene yet, which means it's actually a proper length. So hooray, I guess? I'll probably be editing it -- I've only made a single pass through it so far -- but I wanted to get this out there for y'all to chew on. Some notes:
  • Dr. Okada, per Japanese convention, refers to people by their family names. His use of "Mr." or "Miss" parallels the article "san", and when he refers to Shinji as "Ikari" it should be read as "Ikari-kun". If there is a better way to handle this please let me know. Also let me know if I slipped up anywhere -- he shouldn't ever be calling Asuka or Shinji by their given names, and as I noted he should never call Shinji "Mr. Ikari".
  • As I've noted elsewhere, I really hate psychologists who are portrayed as cold and detached, and this is especially common in Evangelion fics. They aren't like that. They need to cultivate an atmosphere of trust and openness, and that means they need to be friendly and understanding. In that respect Dr. Okada is similar to most therapists I've met -- professional and detached, but open and good humored. I hope this came across well.
  • I think the flow of the piece works pretty well; I tried not to be repetitive, and I tried not to get too bogged down in details. If it works, tell me. If it doesn't work, tell me that too. Just tell me what you think one way or the other.
Here we go:

June 1, 2020

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Upcoming scenes:
??/07/2016 - Shinji and Misato, right after Asuka leaves for Kyoto
??/??/???? - Shinji and Dr. Okada
??/11/2018 - Asuka and Hikari
??/??/2019 - Shinji's confession
??/??/2020 - "Soryu lives!", aka "Kensuke, what the fuck did you do?"
??/03/2021 - O-ki-na-wa!
~2022 - What the devil does Asuka do, anyway?
~2022 - Shinji's early days at Herz
~2024 - Homecoming
~2026 - Rebirth (true)

I think that's all I have planned for the moment. Stay tuned.

27 Jun 2017, 20:33
Reply #11

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #11 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:33 »
I tried to write out a therapy scene with Asuka's other psychologist, but quickly realized I had nothing to say. I have no experience with EMDR (or, indeed, any other technique for treating sexual trauma), and I couldn't see any other way the scene was advancing the story. So, I dropped it. This is probably for the best. As such, I've moved on to Shinji's confession! I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen. This is probably in dire need of editing, but it's been awhile since I posted anything of substance so I've been itching to get it out there. Be prepared for serious mood whiplash.

October 13, 2019

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Comments gratefully accepted.

Up next:
09/2018: Why Asuka didn't go back to Germany
09/2018: Why Hello, Dr. Hachijyo! Let me introduce you to a wounded tiger. Careful, she bites.
04/2019: A mother's work, aka Asuka learns the truth about Yui Ikari

Along with the stuff I've mentioned previously. No idea which is coming next, actually; have to see where my mood takes me.

27 Jun 2017, 20:35
Reply #12

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #12 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:35 »
Okay, edits! The very first scene has been edited a bit, as I didn't like the ending. The most recent scene has also been edited, but only to remove the last line -- too saccharine for my tastes. And, as noted, the OCs' names have changed. Here's what I've got:

Dr. Okada has become Dr. Shiori Okada -- "Okada" in the real world is the president of Gainax. "Shiori" means "flowing" or "bending" -- appropriate for a general therapist who tries different approaches to help people, and suggestive of rivers  and water in general.
Dr. Sakishima has become Dr. Manaka Sakishima -- Both names are from Nagi no Asukara, an anime with deep ties to the sea.
Dr. Kobayashi has become Dr. Kotetsu -- the Kotetsu was an Imperial era battleship, a relic of the past.
Prof. Nakamura has become Prof. Hibiki Kohaku -- "Hibiki" is a research vessel in the modern Japanese fleet. Kohaku is just a name I liked.

Ironically, I think I got it closer to Anno's actual methodology by saying "fuck it"; many of his names, including Shinji's, are not for boats. It's obvious I just need to relax and name people as I like.

The naming pattern will be obvious to anyone who cares to Google the names, so have at it. It will take awhile to post all the edits, so please bear with me.

Oh yeah, new scene. It's very rough, and probably needs to be edited/expanded, but whatever, I think it does what it needs to do:

September 14, 2018

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Next scene: Asuka learns the nitty gritty about Yui Ikari. IOW, EXPOSITION. Might or might not involve Dr. Hibiki, Misato, Fuyutsuki, others.

Also, I really need to do a few scenes without Asuka. Because, holy shit man, you'd think the world revolved around her or something in this fic. That isn't my intent, but biases are what they are.  ;D

27 Jun 2017, 20:39
Reply #13

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #13 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:39 »
So, Asuka told me to fuck off for awhile. Said she was tired or something. Anyway, I saw the fourth chapter of Afterwards... by Paul Hodges (pwhodges at EvaGeeks) and got to thinking about how I think Shinji would handle that, and how his victim should respond. So, now we have a bit with Touji! I'm going with that spelling of his name for now, since it feels right for some reason. No telling if it will stick. As for the chapter, it's short. I can't tell if that means it's inadequate or just wonderfully dense with information. Maybe both, maybe neither. Maybe you can tell me! Anyway, here goes:

August 26, 2016

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Next: Hopefully Dr. Okada and Misato, AKA War Crimes. Look forward to it!

27 Jun 2017, 20:41
Reply #14

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #14 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:41 »
Asuka: Here, do this one. There's a lot to work with there.
Bagheera: What? I thought you said you were tired.
A: Never mind that. Just do it.
B: I believe your exact words were "Fuck off, I'm tired."
A: Are you actually arguing with me?
B: . . .
A: Well?
B: Shinji's right, you're impossible.
A: Heh.

Misato and the good doctor will have to wait, I guess. So it goes. Not sure about the date on this one; it feels like it should be a couple months later along, but OTOH Hikari really should show up sometime in the week after Asuka gets back from Kyoto, so whatever. I guess it works whenever.

September 12, 2018

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As always, feedback is appreciated. Next time: Misato and Dr. Okada. Probably.

27 Jun 2017, 20:45
Reply #15

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #15 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:45 »
I fully admit the second part is a work in progress, but I think the two scenes mostly flow pretty well. Comments/etc welcome, as always. Pen Pen chapter will be going up next, and after that another Asuka/Misato (last one), Shinji/Misato, Misato/Okada, and then the endgame: O-ki-na-wa!, Fuyutsuki, Kaji, Kyoko, and Katsuragi. Apart from the last the endgame chapters will all involve multiple scenes. I'm not sure if I'll clump them together a la the first and fifth posted pieces or if I'll break them up and tell them piecemeal; it all depends on how things flow, I guess.

April 6, 2021

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27 Jun 2017, 20:50
Reply #16

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #16 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:50 »
To my surprise, the Pen Pen scene stands on its own quite nicely. This amounts to an omake, but I think it's important to note that (somehow) the little guy is still around.

April 09, 2021

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27 Jun 2017, 20:51
Reply #17

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #17 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:51 »
Alrighty then, short and sweet:

December 7, 2018

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27 Jun 2017, 20:53
Reply #18

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #18 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:53 »
And here we have another barely edited piece. I'm sure you lot will be kind enough to point out any errors/moments of idiocy, and I'll fix them once you do. But in the meantime, here goes: The Talk.

August 12, 2016

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Next: Misato/Okada, possibly with a callback to episode 15 in-between. Then another Misato/Shinji, and possibly a Shinji/Asuka scene on the beach. After that the final five, assuming inspiration doesn't strike in the meantime.

27 Jun 2017, 20:54
Reply #19

Offline Bagheera

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Re: Ghosts of Evangelion - a post-EoE fic by Bagheera
« Reply #19 on: 27 Jun 2017, 20:54 »
New chapter! This one's been holding me up for weeks, since it's not what I wanna be working on right now. But I think it came out okay. Comments, etc.

August 11, 2016

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Next: The Beach, and then another Shinji/Misato scene. And then we get to the good stuff!