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Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Monk Ed on 13 Feb 2017, 21:33 »
Yo. I joined a few days ago because the forum can't be read without a membership, but figured I should at least post my arrival. I'm here primarily to observe pwhodges's moderation style.
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Ran1 on 12 Feb 2017, 22:03 »
(click to show/hide)

Administrator Comment Take note that piggybacking off someone else's bad behaviour is not a good move here.

Just wanted to pop in and note that, in fact, "dank memes" are not what spammers post. I attempted this reply 5 times with different accent marks over the "e"s and was thwarted each time. Forum registration, like existence, is suffering.

In any event -- while I can't promise serious discussion from myself, I assure you all it will be post-ironic at the very least.
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Director Black on 11 Feb 2017, 20:17 »
Please kill yourselves.

Been that road and decided that it's not worth it, just as it's not worth being a bland 4chan user.

And with that out of the way, I'm happy to introduce my pretentious mind having both high and low self-esteem when talking about stuff here. I await accidently making an idiot out of myself along way
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Squigsquasher on 11 Feb 2017, 19:00 »
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Administrator Comment It is possible to hold left or right wing views here; it is behaviour such as that which I have spoilered which is forbidden.
Forum Stuff / Re: Technical Notes
« Last post by pwhodges on 11 Feb 2017, 10:53 »
The automatic embedding of tweets and YouTube videos is not entirely clean sometimes. 

In the case of tweets, the end of the URL may get left in the post - simply edit everything after the tweet number off the URL and the problem goes away (note that if you use the in-line edit on a post with a tweet you may have to refresh after editing to get the embedded view back).

In the case of YouTube, some URLs may cause the mod to leave some rubbish in the post after the video (e.g. "/>").  This is a bug in the mod, which I will look into at my convenience; the same code in another forum running the same software does not do this, so I suspect an issue with the theme I have selected here.
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by ErgoProxy on 11 Feb 2017, 00:51 »
Eastern (?) Europe reports in.
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Reichu on 11 Feb 2017, 00:45 »
I'm a glutton for punishment, so here I am.
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Chuckman on 10 Feb 2017, 22:25 »
Gaze upon my twerks ye mighty.
Forum Stuff / Re: Comings and Goings (hail and farewell)
« Last post by Squigsquasher on 10 Feb 2017, 22:13 »
Yep. It's me. Cue the badly played orchestra.
Forum Stuff / Moderation matters
« Last post by pwhodges on 05 Feb 2017, 11:16 »
If I feel the need to explain some aspect of my moderation, this is where I shall do it.  The thread is open, so you are at liberty to disagree with my point of view, or to raise issues which you feel need discussing.

I have made some comments on my likely moderation style in the post at the top of the actual Serious Discussion forum area.

Note that it not my intent to impose any political viewpoint on contributors through moderation.  If the forum leans one way more than the other, that is the result of what the contributors write.  I welcome challenges to my viewpoint, and others should also; but they should if possible be presented soberly and with evidence which can be discussed.  Moderation will be a response to behaviour, not views - so there's an opportunity to show that views do not necessarily influence behaviour.
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